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Kastamonu reached recycling of technical water rotation

In the course of increasing the production volume of main products (MDF boards and laminate), Kastamonu gradually switched recycling of technical water rotation. This became possible due to the sustainable and efficient operation of new treatment facilities at the plant.

The uniqueness of the Kastamonu treatment facilities is that a multi-stage membrane filtration system allows purifying water at the molecular level. Industrial wastewater is not diverted to the sewerage system of the Alabuga SEZ, but reintroduced into production and reused for technological needs after the purification.

«It is a saving of resources for the water purchase for the company, as well as a significant reduction in the amount of wastewater discharged into the sewerage system,» said Ali Kılıç, General Director of Kastamonu in Russia. «For the region it is a complete environmental safety of the enterprise work, excluding any impact on the environment. We are responsibly approaching the solution of environmental issues and to date we can say that our production in all aspects meets the world’s leading environmental standards.»

The designed capacity of the nanofiltration system of the Kastamonu treatment facilities is 15 m³ of purified water per hour.
According to the press service of the company.

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