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100 leaders: all-Russian selection of future managers of SEZ "Alabuga"

On August 3, the first full-time selection of the all-Russian annual competition "100 Leaders" started in the SEZ "Alabuga".

The best graduates of universities from all over Russia, who successfully passed the correspondence stage, arrived for an assessment in a special economic zone. This is the fourth, final stage of selection, which included 42 students.

During the week, students will have to go through an intensive course to improve their soft skills, acquire unique experience and knowledge from mentors. To get on the assessment  in Alabuga, the participants were selected according to the results of three preliminary stages: application, testing and video interviews.

The assessment session is an opportunity for current graduates, and in the future, future employees of the company, to get acquainted with the corporate culture and the necessary competencies that will help build a career in the SEZ "Alabuga". Leadership potential will be assessed through economic business sessions and sports events.

Students will feel like the owner of production in the multiplayer networked economic strategy "Trucks". The main goal is to get the most money and not go bankrupt. To achieve this goal, a qualitative analysis of the market situation and the development of a winning strategy in a competitive environment are required. Analytics on these tools helps to see the decisions that each participant made during the session and use the results for a comprehensive assessment of them.

Group sports events allow you to show the skill of working in a team, the ability to interact, adaptability and readiness to jointly achieve the set goals.

The decisive stage will be the development of the final projects. Each participant will present their own business solution in front of the certification committee, where the skills of self-presentation, public speaking, time management and creative thinking will be assessed. The participants with the highest results will be offered employment in the SEZ "Alabuga". Ambitious and talented graduates will have the opportunity to start a career and become a world-class professional in the best special economic zone in Russia.


For reference:

In 2018, with the support of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, the 100 Leaders project was implemented - an all-Russian selection of future managers for employment in the Alabuga SEZ. Selection and training is based on the case study method, includes master classes in marketing, strategic management and production management, which are conducted by the heads of the special economic zone and resident companies.

In 2020, an HR program of cooperation with Russian universities was launched with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science, where the SEZ "Alabuga" provides an opportunity for the heads of graduating groups to recommend the best graduates for passing the assessment with further employment. The implementation of this program will help develop human resources for training world-class production managers, attracting the best students in the country.

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