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Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation: Alabuga has reached the goal by 100%


The Chamber of the Russian Federation audited special economic zones.

In accordance with the report of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, effective functioning was established in 17 out of 22 SEZs for the period since the beginning of the SEZ activity until January 1, 2019. SEZ "Alabuga" was among the successful Russian SEZ, taking first place in the list.

Efficiency assessment of the SEZ was carried out according to the indicators: the number of residents, the number of jobs created, the volume of attracted investments and revenue, the amount of taxes and customs payments paid, the amount of budget funds allocated for the development of the SEZ.

Residents in the SEZs territories of industrial-production type made investments totaling 240.1 billion rubles and the amount of proceeds from the sale of goods and services for 514.38 billion rubles as of January 1, 2019. The share of the “Alabuga" SEZ is 52.6% of the total investment (126.4 billion rubles) and 77.6% of the total income generated (399.2 billion rubles).

One of the main indicators of the effectiveness of the SEZ is the number of jobs. The largest number of jobs was created in the SEZ “Alabuga” - 8,041 jobs.

The analysis made by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation showed that the positive effects of the creation and development of the SEZ include an increase in the production of goods and services, investments, jobs, tax revenues to budgets of all levels and the creation of new infrastructure facilities.

SEZ “Alabuga” is the most efficient and largest special economic zone of Russia today. There are 33 production facilities in the territory of the SEZ. Total resident investments is 134.7 billion rubles, and their revenue exceeded 82 billion rubles at the end of 2019.

Alabuga continues to implement a number of important projects to expand the SEZ and develop infrastructure: the construction of the industrial park "Synergy 2" and the PAN precursor plant, the reconstruction of the water supply system in the Yelabuga town.

Important tasks for Alabuga are also projects to develop human resources and increase jobs: the STEM center annually recruits 100 students to train highly qualified personnel, and a corporate university equips the best graduates with a management company and resident enterprises.

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