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«Alabuga» presented at the Congress of the RSPP


Presentation of a special economic zone «Alabuga» was held yesterday in Moscow at the congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. The сongress was attended by SEZ «Alabuga» CEO Timur Shagivaleev.

During the congress, he made a presentation «SEZ „Alabuga“ — the best place to put the import-substituting industries». Within 10 minutes, Timur Shagivaleev told the audience in the hall of the heads of the largest Russian companies about the opportunities offered most successful special economic zone in Russia. According to «Alabuga» general director, created on site industrial infrastructure can significantly reduce risks for investors, creating new production.

The presentation aroused interest among entrepreneurs, some members of Congress have expressed a desire to become better acquainted with SEZ «Alabuga».

The congress was attended by the Russian President Vladimir Putin. He answered questions from the business community and expressed confidence that the constructive dialogue between business and government in the framework of the RSPP congress will promote the development of the Russian economy.

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