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Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation visited «Alabuga»


With «Alabuga» special economic zone activity Deputy Minister of Transport Viktor Olersky familiarized, visited SEZ of the Russian Federation. Honorary guest has been met by the «Alabuga» CEO Timur Shagivaleev.

Victor Olersky and experts of Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation accompanying him visited the «Alabuga» in order to study the experience of the organization and functioning of the free customs zone regime. According to V.Olersky, it is in Tatarstan SEZ STZ treatment is most effective, and the Ministry intends to use this experience to create the port special economic zones.

During the meeting in the administrative and business building SEZ a presentation of a special economic zone was introduced, in addition, the head of Elabuga customs station Alexei Kovalev answered a number of questions about the work of customs officers in the special economic zone.

In turn, Victor Olersky advised the headquarters of the special economic zone «Alabuga» to consider the construction of a river port. According to the deputy minister in charge of water transport, SEZ residents, along with the nearby plant «Ammonium» could well provide the necessary turnover of the port, at the same time significantly reducing the cost of transporting raw materials and products.

Also during the visit, the guests visited the KASTAMONU factory and «Synergy» industrial park.

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