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German Gref congratulated «Alabuga»


The CEO of «Sberbank» German Gref congratulated on the 10th anniversary of the special economic zone the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the SEZ «Alabuga», the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

«Dear Rustam Nurgalievich!

I sincerely thank you for the invitation to attend the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the SEZ „Alabuga“. Undoubtedly, „Alabuga“ is not only the largest Russian special area for accelerated development of industrial production, it is one of the most successful world SEZ projects, which is a hallmark of the Republic of Tatarstan and an example of effective management for other regions. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the anniversary of the „Alabuga“ based on scheduled field events on 4-5 July that require my participation. Despite this, I congratulate you on this significant event in the life of the Republic with great pleasure and wish further success and new achievements.

With best wishes, G. O. Gref»

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