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Head of the State Duma Labor Committee Yaroslav Nilov: «The experience of Alabuga Polytechnic should be extended to the nationwide»


The experience of the educational center «Alabuga Polytechnic» should be extended to the entire Russia. This was stated by the Head of the Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Yaroslav Nilov, during his business trip to the SEZ «Alabuga» on February 10.

Nilov was guided through the territory of the SEZ and was told about the resident factories and the advantages of locating on the territory of the most efficient special economic zone in Russia. Particularly, he visited the modern enterprise «August-Alabuga», the Aurus cars production, as well as leading educational center for training of highly qualified personnel capacity of 10 thousand people a year «Alabuga Polytechnic».

«As a deputy who has been supervising the Republic of Tatarstan for several years, I know how hardworking people are here and also how qualitatively and dynamically new technologies are introduced here – said Nilov. – «I was interested in the SEZ Alabuga from the point of view of how the laws that were passed by the State Duma 15,17,20 years ago work in practice. Development is taking place in accordance with those laws»

He specially focused on the educational center «Alabuga Polytechnic». In his words, his students will have a competitive advantage due to the real work experience they get during the training: «It was interesting for me, as the Chairman of the Committee on Labor and Social Policy, to see how the Alabuga Polytechnic educational center’s work process is built. The fact that students already start working and earning money during their studies is interesting. They, just like adults, participate in industrial production, - he emphasized. – We got acquainted with the training process in different areas. Here young guys after the 9th grade in their 16th or 17th year of age have a practical skill, I think that such examples should be spread throughout the country».

After that Nilov took part in a working meeting with Timur Shagivaleev, General Director of SEZ «Alabuga». The parties discussed the issue of necessary changes in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to de-bureaucratize registration procedure of young people in industrial enterprises less bureaucratic.

«I think we need to introduce this issue at the federal level, discuss it on the basis of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. And based on the results, decide how legislative amendments should look like in order to maintain a balance of interests, - said Nilov. – In the near future we will discuss this issue at the level of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs in order to adjust the labor legislation».

As a reminder Alabuga is the № 1 special economic zone in Russia. Today it is a full-cycle partner, which provides the best engineering, construction, personnel, social infrastructure. More than 30 unique import-substituting production facilities are located on the territory of SEZ, which are leaders in their industries. The total amount of private investment is 162 billion rubles, 10.5 thousand jobs were created, and the resident’s revenue for 2022 was more than 130 billion rubles.

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