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«Management leaders for Tatarstan team»: SEZ «Alabuga» was visited by the heads of municipal formations of the republic


From April 25 to 28, the first module of the advanced training program «Leaders of Management for Tatarstan team» was passed at the Higher School of State and Municipal Management of KFU on «Effective Management of the Region». Deputies heads of the executive power bodies and managers of municipal formations of the republic were the listeners.

Within the frames of the training the participants visited the special economic zone «Alabuga». Deputy Head for Interaction with Residents, development of engineering potential and operation Timur Mingazov presented the production and industrial potential of the SEZ and answered questions.

Timur Mingazov also said that today «Alabuga» is engaged in development of logistics infrastructure, as logistics chains are disrupted and companies have to import more raw materials. So, recently the company has been building the large-scale logistics center named after Deng Xiaoping in Russia. It will allow unloading up to 2 railway trains simultaneously. The project is aimed at containerization of polymers, export to the Asia-Pacific region, as well as looping logistics with e-commerce in Tatarstan.

«The main idea is to loop the cargoes that come as consumer goods from China and other countries. Tatarstan producers will be able to bring products to the terminal, where packaging, storage and containerization of cargo will be carried out. This will enable to ship the manufactured products to far abroad, increase the product margin and brand recognition», - Mingazov noted.

Then the participants were personally acquainted with the production on the territory of the special economic zone. As part of the visit the guests visited the modern plant «August Alabuga», which specializes in the production of plant protection products and polymeric packaging for them, as well as the producer of household plastic products – «Tatplastik».

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