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MBA students of MGIMO MFA have visited SEZ Alabuga


On April 25, the students of MBA program of MGIMO MFA of Russia visited the special economic zone «Alabuga» within the framework of the exit educational module.

The visit of the guests began with the presentation of «Alabuga». Head of Marketing and PR Dania Utalieva told about the activities of the company and its advantages. She noted that despite the sanctions today foreign factories feel fine, continue to increase the rate of production and increase their revenues. Today on the territory of the SEZ operate 33 plants. The Speaker reminded that «Alabuga» has become the best special economic zone in Russia and Europe.

She also added that today «Alabuga» is actively developing new areas. Thus, SEZ «Novgorodskaya» has already been started up, the construction of the unique for the country industrial park «Ethylene 600» with access to the petrochemical raw materials and the largest logistics center named after Deng Xiaoping is underway.

After listening to the lecture, the guests had a tour of the Alabuga Polytechnic educational center. Project Manager Eduard Yaushev spoke about the human resources potential of the company and demonstrated modern laboratories of Polytechnic.

In addition, students from MGIMO visited the high-tech manufacturing and educational complex «Robopoddons». At the plant, pallets are made by robots, and they are programmed by college students. The plant is headed by Ruzal Galimullin, a fourth-year student of Alabuga Polytechnic. The young leader introduced the guests to the production and demonstrated the products made by the robots.

Participants of the tour were impressed with all they saw. In their opinion, the guys know what they are doing and they have a clear goal in their heads - to become successful in their business.

«Such education is much more effective than our 6 years at the university»; «It is necessary to build such colleges all over the country»; «In our time there were no such Polytechnics» - praised the college during the tour guests.

«Alabuga» is the No. 1 special economic zone in Russia. There are more than 30 unique import-substituting production facilities located on the territory of the SEZ, which are leaders in their industries. Total volume of private investments is 162 billion rubles, 10,5 thousand jobs were created, and revenue of residents for 2022 was about 140 billion rubles.

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