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Kastamonu plans to increase production of boards meeting the E0.5 emission class

Kastamonu moves from trials to full-scale production of wood boards meeting the E0.5 emission class. It has become possible thanks to implementing the newest method of lowering formaldehyde content in boards, developed in their own laboratory, that allows producing boards with formaldehyde content not exceeding 4 mg per 100 g.

The compliance of Kastamonu products with leading quality standards is confirmed by regular audits of international institutions. The audit controlling the production of boards meeting the E0.5 emission class is held by WKI. The certificate obtained guarantees the customers that Kastamonu products meet leading European standards.

«The development of export routes of product deliveries requires the company to comply with strict requirements for the quality and environmental safety, as well as pass through certification procedures. Our achievement in the Russian and European markets is that all boards are guaranteed to comply with the E1 emission class. We also plan to increase production of boards meeting the E0.5 emission class, which is conditioned by high demand for them both in the Russian and foreign markets,» said Ali Kılıç, General Director of the Kastamonu plant in Russia.

Let us remember that Kastamonu for the first time received the WKI E1 certificate one year ago. The certification was carried out by one of the most famous independent international laboratories Fraunhofer (Germany). All trials of Kastamonu products were conducted in the laboratory in Braunschweig.

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