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«Alabuga» is in China again


The representatives of the special economic zone «Alabuga» participated in two significant international events in Chinese national Republic at once. Forum for International Cooperation in the field of production capacity and interaction of enterprises of the Central regions of China was held in Wuhan from 4 to 6 June. And Russia-China: the Annual Investment «Road Show» took place in Shanghai in 8-9 June.

The large-scale Wuhan forum, which was organized by the Chinese MFA, the National Provincial capital Hubei and National Development and Reform Commission, brought together representatives of 70 countries and more than 300 large Chinese companies wishing to develop cooperation beyond China. The forum held a «specialized» conference on cooperation between Russia and China. The President of the Chinese businessmen Union in Russia Tsai Guyzhu addressed at the conference in particular.

Presentation of the SEZ «Alabuga» in Chinese was conducted by the Head of the Department «China» of the special economic zone Evgeny Gorshkov. According to him, during the forum he had met with representatives of more than 30 Chinese companies which showed interest in cooperation with the most successful Russian SEZ.

On the «Road Show» in Shanghai, organized by VTB Bank and the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of import and export of machinery and electronics, the presentation of the «Alabuga» was held within the regional session dedicated to the localization of Chinese enterprises in the Russian SEZ and TRD. Not only employees of the SEZ, but also representatives of the Federal authorities reported on opportunities provided at these platforms.

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