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Russian students will take share in the development of social infrastructure at Alabuga


Special Economic Zone «Alabuga» for the first time greets more than 200 fighters of Russian students from different parts of the country: The Republic of Mordovia, the Penza Region, the Novgorod Region, the Samara Region, the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Tambov Region, the Perm Region, the Republic of Karelia, Moscow and the Republic of Tatarstan.

Student construction teams from all over the country which successfully passed the competitive admissions, take part in the District Student Construction. During the work term the fighters will compete with each other and compete for the title of the best student team of OSS of the District Student Construction Campaign «Alabuga-2022» according to operating capabilities, commissary activity and complex activities.

But most importance is that the members of the student team will make a valuable contribution to the realization of HR-strategy, which directly affects the industrial development of our country.

Over a period of two months, the students will execute finishing work, electrical installation, installation of water and sewage networks supply, as well as installation of heat and gas supply and ventilation at strategically important facilities – Synergy 22 and Synergy 5.6

By means of non-standard and increpidal decisions the management company of SEZ «Alabuga» has created a strong team with a high-level corporate culture, which is ready to implement the most ambitious projects. Comprehensive approach to solving tasks of any level, customer focus and regular development – all this makes the Special economic zone «Alabuga» Russia’s top.


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