«Alabuga Polytechnic» hosted the finals of the All-Russian Entrepreneurship Olympiad


The largest educational center for training skilled workers «Alabuga Polytechnic» hosted the final of the All-Russian Olympiad in Entrepreneurship, which was organized by SEZ «Alabuga» and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan.

More than 5 000 participants from all over the country took part in the Olympiad, while 778 schoolchildren from 62 regions of the Russian Federation came to the final in person. Children competed with each other to build the best business strategy in the Business Cats simulator, demonstrated their knowledge of entrepreneurship, demonstrated ingenuity and creativity, built cartels and implemented incredible ideas.

Twenty-four participants reached the finals of the Olympiad, which took place on April 29. Each of them competed for valuable prizes and a chance to be admitted to Alabuga Polytechnic, a world-class college, and to receive a jetpack to start their career and develop their professional skills. All finalists received a Yandex.Station, a diploma and a certificate from Alabuga Polytechnic College, and the top three received gaming laptops.

The Olympiad winners were:

1. Timofey Rybasov - Nizhny Novgorod region;

2. Anastasia Ermoshina - Astrakhan region;

3. Nikita Petrov - Republic of Tatarstan.

«I am very happy that I was able to win. I have an inexpressible feeling! I am happy! - Timofey Rybasov, the winner of the Olympiad, could not hide his emotions. - What was the most difficult? To find those who will be ready to help you and create a team», - told the future student of Alabuga Polytechnic.

Congratulations to the winners, and we are waiting for all finalists in the ranks of our colleges!

Alabuga Polytechnic is the largest educational center for training skilled workers with a capacity of 10 thousand people per year. The key features of the center are dual system of education, state diploma, free education for applicants from Russia and CIS countries, high scholarship, official employment from the first year of study and real work experience in the management company of SEZ "Alabuga". For applicants from CIS countries free transportation to the place of study and comfortable accommodation are provided. After graduation employment is guaranteed.