Forbes list of best employers includes Danaflex, a resident of Alabuga


Danaflex the resident of Alabuga got into the “Gold” group of Forbes magazine. This year, the rating includes 125 of the largest companies of the country. The participants were not given places but were split up into four groups: Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze.

The methodology of Forbes ranking for 2023 focuses on social parameters: does a company have well-being policies that are not included in the standard social package. The ranking also considers which of the ranking participants managed to sustain full personnel pool during the crisis and increased salaries, and also considers environmental compliance. All metrics and parameters during the calculation shall correlate ESG-agenda, where E – Ecology, S – Employees and society, G – Corporate management.

According to the sustainable growth strategy of Danaflex, the main goal is to switch to 100% recyclable solutions. Danaflex will always support projects that follow sustainable development.

It is better to overview a company when outside experts participate, and high grades in rankings once again emphasize that the company sticks to its mission: to build relations, to be the best for partners, to contribute to development and prosperity of society. Danaflex values all partners and staff highly, sets long-term goals, and increase the level of trust and value of relations.

Let us remember, Danaflex-Alabuga became a resident of Alabuga SEZ in December of 2016. The production was launched in the territory of Alabuga SEZ in autumn of 2018. The company produces flexible packaging materials. Now the new plant is being built in the territory of Alabuga SEZ a, it will manufacture Danafilms recyclable films.

Alabuga is No. 1 special economic zone in Russia. Today, it is a full-cycle partner that provides the best utility, construction, personnel, and social infrastructure. More than 30 unique import-substituting enterprises work in the territory of Alabuga SEZ, they are the leaders of different sectors. The total value of private investment is 166 billion rubles, with 16 thousand jobs, and in 2022, the revenue of the residents was 138 billion rubles.