Mikhail Mishustin: «The Alabuga SEZ creates commercial vehicles that are efficient on public routes»


Light commercial vehicles, the production of which was deployed on the territory of SEZ «Alabuga», can be effectively used on public routes. It is one more step to achieve technological sovereignty of the country, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said today, speaking with the annual report in the State Duma.

According to him, Russia has been able to preserve the largest domestic enterprises and launch new conveyor lines, despite the sanctions.

«On the territory of the SEZ «Alabuga» in Tatarstan began to create light commercial vehicles. They will be able to be effectively used on public routes» Mishustin said.

Another step to achieve technological sovereignty of the country, according to the Prime Minister, will be the construction of world-class campuses.

It should be reminded that in 2022 it was announced that the application of SEZ «Novgorodskaya» JSC for the construction of a world-class campus in Velikiy Novgorod was highly appreciated by experts and selected at the meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group.

The campus with the area of 75 thousand square meters will be built on Bolshaya Sanktorskaya Street near the building of Novgorod State University. In its buildings young people will be engaged in science, sports, start and develop their own projects. The campus will also include industrial laboratories in the SEZ «Novgorodskaya», where students can get practical training.

SEZ «Novgorodskaya» under the management of SEZ «Alabuga» was created in 2021 as a result of signing an agreement on cooperation between SEZ «Alabuga» and the Novgorod region.

«Alabuga» is the No. 1 special economic zone in Russia. Today it is a full-cycle partner, which provides the best engineering, construction, personnel, social infrastructure. More than 30 unique import-substituting production facilities are located on the territory of the SEZ, which are leaders in their industries. The total amount of private investment is 162 billion rubles, 10.5 thousand jobs were created, and the residents' revenue for 2022 was about 140 billion rubles.