Our goals until 2027:
- reduction of production waste generation and environmentally safe handling of them
- systematic reduction negative impact of technological processes on the environment, reduction of environmental risks through the introduction of the best existing technologies, achievements of science and technology
- investing in measures aimed at preventing and reducing the negative impact of production on the environment

energy intensity index
reflects positive dynamics in energy efficiency
million rubles
effect of energy saving measures in 2019
Environmental safety and reducing the impact of companies on the environment are the priorities of the SEZ "Alabuga".
Following the policy of building a world-class company, we carefully look for and analyze the best domestic and international practices, exchange experience with specialists of foreign manufacturing companies, introduce advanced technologies at our manufacturing factory.

The environmental mission of the SEZ "Alabuga" is based on an environmental management system, the strategic goal of which is to increase the efficiency of its production activities, reduce the use of natural resources and impact on the state of the natural biosphere of the Republic of Tatarstan and the country.

Planned identification of environmental aspects is carried out annually, unscheduled – when production processes or organizational structure change, after the implementation of measures aimed at reducing environmental risks. Each company of the SEZ "Alabuga" forms a register of significant environmental aspects and risks, while the environmental impact assessment is implemented in the business planning process and is carried out already at the stage of initiation and consideration of the investment project. Simultaneously with studying markets and prices, evaluating the feasibility of the project and determining its optimal configuration, environmental performance indicators are calculated - the impact of the project on increasing/reducing emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases, wastewater, and waste. The calculated value of the environmental effect may cause the rejection of the project or, on the contrary, a key argument in favor of implementation, even with insufficient economic efficiency.

One of the parts of the environmental management of the SEZ "Alabuga" is the management of energy clusters. The system's activity is based on ensuring the efficient use of energy resources and reducing energy costs.

- development and implementation of an energy saving Program for each company on the territory of the SEZ "Alabuga"
- identification of the potential to reduce the gap with the world level in the medium term
- regular audit of suppliers to purchase equipment that meets the company's energy efficiency requirements
- energy surveys of companies
- search and replication of best practices
Energy conservation is an important component of the company's contribution to the fight against climate change.

- use of energy and resource-saving technologies in the production of polymers and other petrochemical products
- assistance in the development of recycling of manufactured products
- purchase and supply of the best available technologies in petrochemistry aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and the use of natural resources
- production of products that increase energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions of households, transport, companies, and infrastructure
- improving the environmental qualities of the company's products
The company annually conducts actions to preserve and restore the biodiversity of water resources it carries out artificial stocking.

Our company attaches great importance to maintaining the normal state of the atmospheric air by reducing emissions of pollutants. Our employees actively use methods for monitoring the state of air quality on the territory of companies within the boundaries of sanitary protection zones, as well as in residential areas of the cities of presence.
Mobile environmental laboratories are used for monitoring, as well as stationary observation posts are equipped. The automated information collection and processing system receives data from gas analyzers, chromatographic complex, meteorological complex, satellite navigator and other equipment.
Key events:
- Ecology and environmental protection
- Measures to reduce environmental damage
- Conducting annual monitoring of the natural environment in the Company's area of activity
- Investing in environmental protection measures