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Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation to build a new plant of carbon raw materials in «Alabuga»

On June 2, during business lunch of Alabuga Special Economic Zone on the sidelines of the 21st St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov and Director General of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation Aleksey Likhachev signed an agreement between Tatarstan and Rosatom on the implementation of an investment project for the construction of a plant for the production of PAN precursor in Alabuga Special Economic Zone.
Minnikhanov noted that for 10 years of its existence Alabuga SEZ has become the largest special zone of the industrial-production type of Russia. Today, there are 55 residents registered and 22 modern enterprises, which are fully functioning, there. Another four plants are planned to be launched this year. More than 5,700 workplaces have been created to date. The total volume of investments amounted to about 108 billion roubles.
«Today, the special economic zone has everything that is needed for normal work, including the developed infrastructure, customs capabilities, and tax preferences. We will try to keep these priorities and continue to support our partners,» Minnikhanov addressed participants of business lunch.
Minnikhanov stressed that Rosatom is a strategic partner of Tatarstan. «We have already had experience in implementing joint projects. We have plans for further development of our cooperation in a number of areas. The implementation of the new investment project will strengthen our fruitful cooperation,» he added.
PAN precursor is the main raw material for the production of carbon fiber. The design capacity of the new plant is 5,000 tonnes per year with the prospect of increasing production up to 25,000 tonnes. At the initial stage, 120 jobs will be created and when reaching full production capacity, the number of employees will increase up to 700 people.
The parties plan to begin construction of the facility in 2017 and fully complete the project by 2020

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