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Alabuga HR program became the best corporate education project in 2020

Yesterday,on December 16, Moscow hosted the V Russian Forum for Corporate Training “HR-PRACTICE 2020: Personnel Training and Development”.

At the Forum, vice presidents and HR directors of major companies talked about the experience of transforming corporate education during a pandemic, changes in skills and competencies under the influence of global trends, and also shared successful methods and technologies in the field of HR.

As a result of the event, the HR program of the SEZ "Alabuga" together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation represented by Petr Kucherenko "100 leaders" was awarded the prize in the field of human resources management "SMART Pyramid - 2020" as the best project of corporate education in state and municipal organizations.

The program "100 Leaders" provides an opportunity for the heads of graduation groups to recommend the best graduates of the university for passing the assessment in the SEZ "Alabuga" with further employment. The assessment includes face-to-face meetings with top managers of resident companies, business games, as well as independent development of the final project. In the course of solving various business cases, participants demonstrate their leadership qualities and get acquainted with the necessary competencies of a modern leader. Based on the selection results, the graduate has the opportunity to work not only in the management company of the SEZ, but also at the enterprises of existing and new residents.

The first stream of "100 Leaders" started in the fall of 2020. As a result of the program, work was organized with the heads of 674 faculties in the country's universities. The extramural stage of the assessment passed 1,413 participants, full-time - 287, in the SEZ "Alabuga", according to the results of the program, 89 people were employed.

SEZ "Alabuga" since 2016 has been training unique personnel on its own. This is due not only to the specific requirements for managers in the industrial segment, but also to the lack of leadership skills in the vast majority of job seekers. The implementation of this program will help develop human resources for training world-class production managers, attracting the best students in the country.

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