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"Any result is achieved by hard work before the battle" - leading military historian Alexey Isaev gave a lecture for students of "Alabuga Polytech"


Today, on September 17, the leading military historian of Russia Alexey Isaev, the author of more than 30 monographs, Candidate of Historical Sciences, visited special economic zone "Alabuga". He personally got acquainted with the students of the educational college "Alabuga Polytech" and gave a fascinating lecture about the key battles of the Great Patriotic War. The students were able to fully immerse themselves in the times when their ancestors defended the Fatherland.

During the visit of Alexey Isaev, a sightseeing tour was organized on the territory of the SEZ "Alabuga", infrastructure facilities and the educational center "Alabuga Polytech". High-tech laboratories for industrial robotics and mechatronics, industrial automation, BIM-design, programming in python, electrical installation, equipped with laboratory stands and mechatronic stations from FESTO, KUKA robots, a high-voltage testing ground, laboratories with automated equipment for chemical laboratory analysis were demonstrated. This allows us to prepare high-tech personnel, which are already in demand by the world's leading companies.

The military historian told the students of «Alabuga Polytech» and the staff of «Alabuga» in detail about the key battles of the Great Patriotic War-the Battle for Moscow and Leningrad. The Battle of Moscow was one of the turning battles of the Second World War. The leading historian told about the battle on the nearest approaches to the capital in 1941, about Operation Typhoon, about the heroic resistance of Red Army units and formations that got into the boilers in the areas of Vyazma and Bryansk, which allowed creating a line of defense on the nearest approaches to Moscow, and more.

"Any result is achieved by hard work before the battle," said Alexey Isaev. The audience was very interested in the historian's lecture. The obtained theoretical base will help the guys in the upcoming battles. At the end of the speech, the students of " Alabuga Polytech "and the staff of" Alabuga " asked interesting questions, together with the historian they discussed what this or that outcome of the event could be, and even consulted on tactics for the upcoming games.

The participants of the largest military-patriotic tournament in Russia have already completed tournament fights. 300 best students and employees of the management company are waiting for 5 thematic games - the liberation of Tikhvin, the battle for the Wedge, the Kursk Bulge (height 235.5), the battle for Kalach and the storming of the Reichstag. "Together we passed the first stage of the paintball tournament - now we are waiting for even more exciting battles. We invited the best historian to Alabuga Polytech in order to better understand why our ancestors fought and defended their Homeland, " said Timur Shagivaleev, General Director of  Alabuga SEZ.

As part of the corporate culture of "Alabuga", large-scale tournament and thematic paintball battles are held dedicated to the key battles of the Great Patriotic War to train the best specialists with an active leadership position. The game allows you to fully immerse yourself in wartime, when our great-grandfathers fought with the enemy and defended their Homeland. This is a unique opportunity to form a combat brotherhood, as a result of which people will appear in the environment on whom you can count. This is a huge human capital that cannot be overestimated.

Military-patriotic education is an important part of the educational process, in turn, the corporate culture of «Alabuga» promotes greater team cohesion and increases the quality and efficiency of work. It is thanks to this that «Alabuga» team implements ambitious tasks and achieves high results.

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