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«Alabuga» is on the Gaidar Forum


About the current state and prospects of development of the special economic zone «Alabuga» SEZ «Alabuga» CEO Timur Shagivaleev told at the ongoing Gaidar forum in Moscow. He took part in a panel discussion devoted to discussing strategies for creating Kama innovative territorial production cluster «Innokam». The discussion was attended by Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov, Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, St. Petersburg State University Alexei Kudrin and others.

During the discussion the concept of «Innoko River» cluster has been introduced, as well as the major projects implemented on its territory at present including the SEZ «Alabuga» have been presented.

«Special Economic Zone became successful, because we’ve been working together, — said „Alabuga“ CEO T.Shagivaleev in his speech. — Not only with Tatarstan, but together with the federal authorities. Without this it would be impossible. Looking at today’s presidium, I think, that Kama cluster also has a great chance».

He noticed that after 10 years «Alabuga» hit the Top 40 special economic zones in the world. Residents have invested about 100 billion rubles in their projects, the largest plants have been built, a real infrastructure has been created.

Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov, in turn, stressed that in the SEZ «Alabuga» successfully work both American and Turkish companies, in spite of the political differences.

«We are not afraid of challenging external factors, but we now know how to a work in a challenging external factors,» — Timur Shagivaleev said.

SEZ «Alabuga» CEO referred to established international school, a cottage «Three Bears» and the corporate university project.

«In general, we have a plan — it’s 120 residents, and without the development of the Kama cluster its realization is impossible, — T.Shagivaleev said. — We look forward to continued support».

Panelists also noted the good results achieved by the special economic zone, and expressed the hope that «Alabuga» will serve as a good example in the implementation of even more ambitious project «Innokam» cluster.

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