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Cooperation between the resident companies of the Special Economic Zone «Alabuga» and Moscow Higher School of Engineering were discussed during the visit of the delegation of the educational institution


The project of creating the Moscow School of Engineering initiated by a group of companies «IST», supported by several large Russian companies and Ministry of Industry of the Russian Federation. The mission of the school is training and retraining of Russian engineering personnel to the advanced international level of professional and social competence for successful innovation development of domestic industry. The practical part of the training program is being developed in collaboration with the leading German engineering companies and large industrial corporations.

The delegation headed by the general director of the school Walter Ratz visited the special economic zone «Alabuga». The guests visited factory of company RMA — one of the German residents, which have a high level of applied engineering solutions.

In the administrative center of «Alabuga» members of the delegation made a presentation of opportunities for leaders resident companies. As noted during the meeting, there are a lot of high-tech companies concentrated in «Alabuga», and in the long term would have justified the implementation of educational programs directly in Tatarstan’s special economic zone.

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