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Great example and high-demand fields of study - Vladimir Putin about Alabuga Polytech


Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, during the working meeting with Rustam Minnikhanov, Rais of the Republic of Tatartsan, made a specific mention of Alabuga Polytech educational centre.

“Great example and high-demand fields of study. Please continue to replicate such projects,” said the President of Russia.

Minnikhanov, in his turn, added that the educational centre will not stop developing. Today its target capacity is 10 thousand people annually. Also, he said that all students are provided with housing, workplaces, and training in the most demanded fields using top technological equipment.

“The most important thing is that they have dual-system education. Students work in the first half of the day, as per the hours allowed by labour law, make money, and study in the evenings. They are really motivated, have good places to live, and have good study platforms,” said the Rais of Tatarstan.

Let us remind you that the college students in the first half of the day master their skills on modern equipment under the mentorship of the best engineers from SEZ Alabuga’s resident plants, and in the second half, they study secondary-vocational subjects. At the same time, they undergo internships in specialized departments of the company. Upon graduation, the alumni become highly qualified and in-demand professionals on the job market, already having work experience.

Photo: Sergey Bobylev/TASS.

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