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«Investor of the Year 2022»: «Drylock Technologies» resident of Alabuga is recognized as the best in Tatarstan


Tatarstan Investment Development Agency named the resident of SEZ «Alabuga» LLC «Drylock Technologies» the best investor of 2022. The company specializes in the production of hygienic products: absorbent underwear and diapers. The results of the contest were summarized at the final meeting of the Investors Club of the Republic of Tatarstan.

According to Taliya Minullina, head of Tatarstan Investment Development Agency (TIDA), over the last 9 years Tatarstan is steadily among the top three leaders in terms of investment climate among all subjects of the Russian Federation. Today on the territory of the republic there is an excellent infrastructure for investments - one such example is SEZ «Alabuga».

Also the Tatarstan Investment Development Agency noted successful projects implemented on the territory of the SEZ «Alabuga». For example, the company «Danaflex» implements a project on creation of production of new generation film materials suitable for recycling, worth over 2.5 billion rubles. Sollers also began assembling two new car models on the territory of Alabuga: the semicap truck Atlant and the cabover Argo. The total investments into the new project including the investments of LLC «Sollers Alabuga» and the investments of the supplying companies will amount to more than 5.5 billion rubles.


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