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It does not matter if it is 100 thousand rubles or 100 million rubles. Alabuga’s employee showed zero tolerance for corruption


Our company sets world-class goals. For achieving goals, employees receive salaries that correspond to international standards.

Sometimes contractors, after poorly performed work, beg to put a customer “in their shoes,” letting themselves have serious delays, poor quality of work, and overbudget. However, Alabuga SEZ’s personnel show zero tolerance for corruption, and indeed, every such contractor will pay the price.

Alabuga SEZ contracted OOO Crystal to provide cleaning services at the Yakovlev office premises. However, OOO Crystal provided low-quality service. Alabuga SEZ Rental Business Department sent a claim about the insufficient quality of services.

Instead of resolving all complaints, OOO Crystal’s manager contacted Alabuga’s employee and offered a bribe. In exchange for the bribe, an employee is supposed to give up the claim, and moreover, to help prolong the agreement with the contractor. Alabuga’s employee was suspicious about the contractor manager’s intentions, did not turn a blind eye and reported it to the Internal Affairs Department of Alabuga SEZ.

As a result, on December 5, the Internal Affairs Department of the Alabuga SEZ together with Tatarstan’s law-enforcement authorities, conducted a joint operation to arrest the corrupted contractor. The manager of OOO Crystal might face punishment under Article 291 Part 4 of the Criminal Code of Russia: 7– 2 years of imprisonment with a fine 60 times the amount of the bribe.

It does not matter if it is 100 thousand rubles or 100 million rubles, any crime will be solved.

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