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It is my absolute favorite among investment projects - Boris Titov about Deng Xiaoping Logistics Terminal


During a presentation of the first ranking of regions of Russia-People's Republic of China relations productivity in 2022-2023, Russian business ombudsman and co-chairman of the Russia-China Committee for Friendship, Peace, and Development, Boris Titov, praised the project of Deng Xiaoping Logistics Terminal at Alabuga SEZ.

“Particular attention should be drawn to the regions, which are not that close to China,” noted Titov. For example, Tatarstan. Here we have plenty of Chinese plants, but my personal favorite investment project is Deng Xiaoping Logistics Terminal which is being built at Alabuga SEZ. It will be the biggest in Russia, this terminal will take and dispatch a minimum of one train weekly from and to China, and it will be a transhipment terminal for shipments in Russia.”

You may remember that Deng Xiaoping Logistics Terminal will be a part of Ethylene-600 Industrial Park. The Logistics Center will be the largest in Russia. The design capacity of the terminal will be over 100 thousand containers annually. The construction site area is 65 ha. The length of the container yard is 1.05 km which will allow to load and unload a whole container train without extra maneuvering. All this will ensure high efficiency and reduce logistics costs.

The logistics complex will provide the following services: long-term and short-term storage of cargo; loading and unloading works; order management and stored goods record-keeping; weighing and labeling, and formation of cargo consignments etc.

Ethylene-600 Industrial Park will be one of kind, where producers of medium- and low-tonnage chemistry will be able to access petrochemical raw materials.

Implementation of such projects in the shortest time is possible thanks to people who invest all their talent and energy into the growth of our company and the country.

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