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Ford Sollers has conducted a medernization at the engine plant

As part of the introduction of innovative solutions in production processes, Ford Sollers installed new high-tech equipment at its engine plant in the Special Economic Zone «Alabuga». Modernization was carried out at the quality control and additional testing sites. As part of the adding of equipment of the company, a new test area was organized. The plant also received innovative digital industrial cameras for remote monitoring of the production process.
Six new industrial cameras verify the correct installation of engine parts by comparing multiple image parameters obtained during shooting. The camera takes a snapshot of the part, then the station’s internal software analyzes the snapshot and detects deviations from the specified parameters. New cameras are installed at several stations of the engine plant lines, providing continuous monitoring of critical characteristics of the engine design in the production process.
The new dynamometer stands allow the local execution of a number of planned engine tests, for example, endurance testing for the life cycle of the engine during operation; Thermal cycle tests to check the quality of castings and seals in the engine design, etc. Previously, the engines were tested on the dynamometer stands of the engine plant in Bridgend, UK.

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