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Rustam Minnikhanov holds meeting of Supervisory Board of Alabuga Special Economic Zone

On June 15, in Alabuga’s administrative and business centre, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov held a meeting of the Supervisory Board of Alabuga Special Economic Zone, which considered projects of three companies applying for the SEZ resident status, including ST Alabuga, Agruskhim-Alabuga, STiM-Alabuga. The total amount of investment in the establishment of new production facilities makes more than 650 million roubles.

Opening the meeting, Minnikhanov noted that 22 of 55 resident companies registered in Alabuga have already launched their production facilities. At the same time, Tatarstan President asked senior managers of the Alabuga special economic zone to pay attention to revenues of its residents, which amounted to 60 billion roubles last year, which is one and a half times more than in 2015, but, according to Minnikhanov, the potential of the site can enable a manyfold increase in this indicator.

Tatarstan President reminded about the large-scale event that Alabuga SEZ held at St. Petersburg Economic Forum, and thanked investors for the trust they place in the special economic zone and the republic. «Investors’ confidence is very important to us. We always provide them with the necessary support,» Minnikhanov said.

ST Alabuga was the first project considered at the meeting. The company plans to produce annually more than 2300 vehicles on the base of Ford Transit cars, which are produced at the Ford Sollers plant located in Alabuga.

The Agrusim-Alabuga project envisages production of 5,700 tonnes of plant protection products per year.

The third investor, STiM-Alabuga, plans to build a plant and a logistics centre in Alabuga.

On the proposal of Minnikhanov, the Supervisory Board supported all the projects presented today. In the near future, companies will receive the status of residents of the Alabuga special economic zone.

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