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«Alabuga» was visited by investors from China and the Prime Minister of Tatarstan


A representative delegation of the Chinese Changhong company headed by the Deputy Director General for Investment Yan Jun has today visited the special economic zone «Alabuga». Guests accompanied by Prime Minister of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov.

Changhong Company is one of China’s largest manufacturers of household appliances. The company is based in the city of Mianyang, Sichuan Province, has a research and development centers in China, in the «Silicon Valley», in Japan. The company was created by the Chinese government in 1958 for the production of electronic components and equipment, which will be used for military purposes, then the mission has been extended to the development and production of the entire spectrum of high-quality household appliances for the domestic market. The number of employees is more than 75,000 people worldwide.

Changhong company is considering Tatarstan as a springboard to enter the Russian market, now representatives choose the most suitable place for the organization of television production.

In the special economic zone «Alabuga» Chinese guests have learned about the opportunities and incentives provided to investors. Tatarstan Prime Minister Ildar Khalikov, in turn, stressed that the SEZ is the most advanced industrial site in Tatarstan, also offers a range of infrastructure tax and customs privileges.

On the first phase of the project Changhong considering rent ready production areas, and therefore the company’s delegation during the visit, visited industrial parks «Alabuga» — «Synergy» and «A Plus Park.» This modern building ready to accept residents of the special economic zone, which for one reason or another are not planning to build their own plants, but prefer to rent a ready room.

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