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Furniture Cluster in Tatarstan to Start Working till the End of 2017

The future participants of the Tatarstani furniture cluster reached the home stretch in the coordination of its working conditions. An official agreement is expected to be signed in the coming months. The anchor enterprise of the furniture cluster is Kastamonu, which is the largest manufacturer of MDF boards for the furniture industry.

To date, Kastamonu produces MDF/HDF wood boards of various sizes and thicknesses, as well as products based on them (including the EVOGLOSS glossy panels, which are widely used for the manufacture of furniture facades). The designed capacity of production is more than 1 million m3 of wood boards per year.

«Furniture manufacturers have high hopes for the cooperation with us,» said Ali Kılıç, General Director of Kastamonu in Russia. «And we try to justify the trust that we have. Today we are working to provide convenient and low-cost logistics for the supply of wood boards for furniture companies. The development of our company after the launch of the second line of MDF is closely related to the general situation in the industry. That is why it is important for us to be a part of the industry community, ensuring its stable development by joint efforts. Expanding and increasing production, we give impetus to the rapid and qualitative development of not only the wood processing industry, but also related industries, the including furniture one.»

The key tasks of the furniture cluster being formed are as follows: 1) assisting participants in receiving orders from new consumers, ensuring the compliance of existing products of participating companies with requirements of consumers in order to enter new markets; 2) developing and solving issues on the implementation of joint (cluster and intercluster) projects in the field of cost reduction, competitiveness increase, logistics, personnel provision, etc.; 3) assisting in promotion and commercialization of intangible assets of participants (registration of inventions, utility models, trademarks, patent research, assistance in the implementation of innovative projects) in order to gain market niches or enter new markets.

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