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"Alabuga" was presented to the Prime Minister of Turkey


The special economic zone "Alabuga" was presented to the governmental delegation of the Republic of Turkey headed by the Prime Minister of Turkey Binali Yildirim during Tatarstan-Turkish business forum, which was held in Kazan on December 7th.


Binali Yildirim visited Kazan throughout his official visit to the Russian Federation. The business part of the trip to Kazan Turkish Prime Minister was held at the Tatarstan-Turkish business forum, which was attended by representatives of Turkish companies operating in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian business partners cooperating with Turkey. Special economic zone "Alabuga" was represented by General Director Timur Shagivaleev. The forum was also attended by heads of the Turkish resident companies.


Exposition, organized for guests, demonstrated the main areas of cooperation between Tatarstan and the Turkish Republic. A separate booth in the exhibition was dedicated to the SEZ "Alabuga", which now accounts for half of the $ 2 billion Turkish investment in Tatarstan. Timur Shagivaleev told Binali Yildirim and his Turkish Minister of Economy Nihat Zeybekdzhi, that "Alabuga" has 6 factories, established by Turkish investors. The total investment in the SEZ at a fraction of Turkish business accounts for a third of all investments by Turkish. Companies created nearly 1,900 jobs which is also the third part of the total number. Also, Turkish mills are among the most active exporters in SEZ.


During the forum, Minister of Economy of Turkey Nihat Zeybekdzhi who visited the SEZ already twice and opened three new plants highly appreciated the work of the special economic zone "Alabuga". "If you want to see a real business support, please visit the "Alabuga", - said the minister in his speech.


In the near future the Tatarstan delegation will pay a return visit to Turkey, the delegation will involve representatives of the SEZ "Alabuga".

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