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SEZ "Alabuga" expects 360 billion rubles of investments by residents of "Alabuga-2"


Today, December 26 at the press conference of the SEZ "Alabuga» CEO Timur Shagivaleev summarized the work of a special zone for the 2016 year. In the past year, the SEZ "Alabuga" has attracted 12 new investors and more than 11.8 billion rubles of investments. SEZ achieved an agreement on cooperation with China. The joint venture will attract 8-10 billion rubles of investments in the further development of the infrastructure of "Alabuga". In 2017 will be started the implementation of the "Alabuga-2" project. which is expected to attract at least 12 investors.


Timur Shagivaleev reported about the results of the SEZ "Alabuga" for 2016. At the end of the year, 53 residents are registered in the "Alabuga". 22 plants are already operating. During 2016 the SEZ "Alabuga" has attracted 12 new residents with 11.8 billion rubles of investments in total. Among the key residents, Timur Shagivaleev emphasized the project "Transneft-synthesis" for the production of anti-turbulent additives with an investment of 1.56 billion rubles., "Danaflex-Alabuga" (flexible packaging production) with an investment of 3.36 billion rubles, and the project of American company "Allied Mineral Products" for the production of refractory materials. According to Timur Shagivaleev, SEZ "Alabuga" should attract at least 3 new residents with more than 111.5 billion rubles of investments to the end of 2017.


In 2016 "SEZ" Alabuga" reached the highest correlation between the stated and realized investment among other SEZs Russia, - said Timur Shagivaleev. "105 of the 150 billion of announced investments has already been invested, which is a very high efficiency for Russia. Moreover, today the size of a private investment exceeds four times the amount of public investment to the infrastructure of the SEZ "Alabuga". We are confident that we will achieve the target of 10 to 1, where each ruble of state funds will account for 10 rubles of investments by private investors."


Among the priority projects for 2017 year Timur Shagivaleev noted the development of the "Alabuga-2" site, designed to enhance processing of hydrocarbon raw materials. According to the CEO of a special economic zone, project card is being developed together with "Tatnefthiminvestholding". The new site is planned to attract at least 12 new residents who will invest at least 360 billion rubles for the establishment of industries. It is planned that the second pad area will be not less than 1,000 hectares. Legal arrangements of the project will begin in 2017. According to Timur Shagivaleev, work on the creation of the site "Alabuga-2" will attract 6 billion rubles of federal investments and will create a cluster of petrochemical plants in Tatarstan, located next to major refineries.


Also, Timur Shagivaleev spoke about the establishment of partnerships and the creation of co-production with China. In December, Tatarstan delegation visited the largest economic development zone of Tianjin and agreed to continue cooperation. The Russian-Chinese working group will be created, in order to determine the parameters of the future joint venture. "For Chinese companies foreign investment is quite a new business. However, according to surveys, 85% of Chinese companies plan to carry out foreign investment during the next 5 years. Our task is to be fully prepared for these investments in terms of infrastructure development, our competence and efficiency "- said Timur Shagivaleev.

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