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SEZ «Alabuga» sums up the year


The management company of a special economic zone «Alabuga» published annual accounts by the end of 2015. Thus, the SEZ has summed up the year in all major indicators of its activity.

2.6 billion rubles in taxes was paid in 2015 by residents of SEZ «Alabuga» in the budgets of all levels (in 2014 — 2.33 billion). 6 new factories were opened in the last year, created 786 new jobs, the total number has reached 5504. The Expert Council of the Russian Federation Ministry of Economic Development approved new residents’ projects to the amount of 34.7 billion rubles (in 2014 — 16.5 billion). Total amount declared investments of resident companies «Alabuga» has reached 153 billion rubles. Within the development of infrastructure facilities were built for a total amount of more than 1 billion rubles, and the total amount invested in the SEZ «Alabuga» public funds reached 24.7 billion rubles.

According to the financial statements in accordance with RAS, JSC «SEZ» Alabuga «received in 2015 a loss in the amount of 391.07 million rubles (in 2014 — 370.42 million). At the same time the company’s revenue grew by 40% and amounted to 731.51 million rubles (in 2014 — 521.78 million) — it was the result of increasing the number of existing residents and, as a consequence, the volume of services provided to residents.

It should be noted that, as in the previous year, the largest share in the cost of services covers depreciation. The reason for this is the significant value of fixed assets — industrial infrastructure established in the SEZ «Alabuga», built with a certain reserve for future residents. In 2015, the amount accounted in the financial statements in depreciation cost is 909.58 million rubles (in 2014 — 664.89 million).

Since the management company expends significant funds for capital investment, its effectiveness should be measured by EBITDA (earnings before deducting accumulated depreciation). Calculated in accordance with RAS, this indicator is positive and amounts to 522.01 million rubles, which is 75% more than the year before (298.26 million), and this allows us to consider the work of JSC «SEZ Alabuga» is effective.

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