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«The construction of the first building is ahead of schedule»: the Governor of the Novgorod region visited the Novgorod SEZ


Novgorod Region Governor Andrei Nikitin inspected the construction site of Special Economic Zone «Novgorodskaya» on November 30.

A temporary motor road has already been built in the SEZ, electricity and gas are connected, and a boiler house is ready to be launched. In December it is planned to close the warm circuit, which will allow to continue working in winter.

Recall that on July 8, 2021 the Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on the creation of a special economic zone in the region. And by the end of 2023, the first residents will be able to launch their production facilities.

«The construction of the first production building is ahead of schedule. But the most important thing is that there are residents and companies that are waiting for these areas. We create such conditions in which it will be profitable and comfortable for our Russian enterprises to work», - shared Andrei Nikitin.

SEZ «Novgorodskaya» has a convenient location between Moscow and St. Petersburg, which does not compete with the special economic zone in Tatarstan. The combination of these factors - the unique location and the use of management experience of «Alabuga» makes the new site even more attractive for investors and the state. Alabuga application of the best world practices will also contribute to the active and effective development of the new SEZ.

Andrey Nikitin told in an interview for RT Russia why Alabuga took over the management of SEZ «Novgorodskaya»: «We decided not to reinvent the wheel, but to give the management to «Alabuga» - the most successful special economic zone in Russia. Alabuga has the most professional team in the country with the best reputation. I asked them to be part of the founders, and I was supported by Rustam Nurgaliyevich Minnikhanov, for which I thank him very much. So when big investors think where to build in the North-West, they, knowing the reputation here, come to us».

Earlier the general director of «Alabuga» Timur Shagivaleev commented on cooperation with the region: «The site in Veliky Novgorod was not chosen by us by chance. Firstly, everything starts with the leadership - the Governor of the Novgorod region is a very determined person, who is ready to take unconventional decisions for the development of his region. Secondly, the Alabuga team is given carte blanche to work on the principles on which the SEZ in Tatarstan works. Therefore our experience can be effectively applied here».

Today «Alabuga» is the largest and the most effective special economic zone on the territory of the Russian Federation. Total volume of private investments amounts to 158.5 bln. rubles, more than 9.5 thousand workplaces were created, and residents' proceeds for 2021 amounted to 136 bln. rubles. Management company of SEZ «Alabuga» faces ambitious tasks, one of them is opening of new federal and regional sites across Russia. The successful development of SEZ «Novgorod» is another confirmation of the successful implementation of the company's long-term strategy to develop new projects.

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