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The Special Economic Zone «Alabuga» will run a corporate university


The special economic zone “Alabuga” will launch a corporate university with the participation of top managers of companies-residents. This was stated by CEO of SEZ “Alabuga” Timur Shagivaleev.

According to him, currently the SEZ residents are interested in people with expertise of industrial management. “These people should be very motivated, who have leadership qualities, that can divide complex tasks into several easy — said Timur Shagivaleev. — These people are not growing for two years — it needs 5-10 years. And today we started to prepare the people who will manage the factories after 10 years”.

Corporate university is planned to attract top managers and highly qualified specialists of companies-residents SEZ to teaching process. “So lucky that we received not only new technologies, factories, workplaces, but also world-class professionals in our factories. Companies attracted professionals from all over the world for huge amounts of money, brought them to Yelabuga, and they are working here now, -Timur Shagivaleev stated — As a rule, people of that philosophy are able to share their knowledge and teach others. And this is a question to ourselves — to management, to the republic — whether we want to take the knowledge that these professionals have as much as possible?”

“We need to use these people as ‘professors’, they are located in one place, and we can train future managers of production directly on a platform of the special economic zone, — Timur Shagivaleev said. — Each factory is a separate business case, it’s a great opportunity to learn from the CEO why this plant was created, what it produces, what are the costs, what is its raw material, about sales of finished products, about planning. And every such case is a true gift for the production manager”.

Curriculum also will include training of budgeting, planning, and all together will give the maximum effect.

For the selection of students to the corporate university the federal competition will be declared, after the training, the graduates will be employed in the management of SEZ “Alabuga”, and other will find work in resident companies. “And we want to make this program permanent — said T. Shagivaleev. — It will be a corporate university of special economic zones “Alabuga”.

“We are planning to hold a competition in November this year with the start of training in February next year. This is a very ambitious goal, we believe that it is very important for the competitiveness of SEZ ”, — Timur Shagivaleev resumed.

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