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The total value of new projects is 12.6 billion rubles

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Yesterday in Kazan the president of the Tatarstan Republic Rustam Minnikhanov held a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the special economic zone «Alabuga». The meeting reviewed and approved four projects of potential residents and the issue of increased investment existing resident. The total value of new projects is 12.6 billion rubles.
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The investment project of the company «Kamatech» involves the construction of a plant for the production of maleic anhydride — the raw material for the production of epoxy resins. The founders of the «Kamatech» is a Russian company «Pa-Rus» and the German engineering company Chemieanlagenbau Chemnitz GmbH (CAC).The planned production of maleic anhydride in liquid form and in granules is 40 thousand tons per year. In the future, the project provides an increase in power of up to 60 thousand tons per year. Total investment in the project will amount to 9.958 billion rubles.
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«This subject is very important not only for the republic, but for the whole Russia. The project should be implemented,» — commented the president of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.
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The project of «Plentmak» provides the production of equipment for the production of paving tiles, and concrete blocks, crushing and screening machines up to 15 lines per year. The planned investments into the project will amount to 160 million rubles. It will create about 60 jobs. Production start should take place in 2017.
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«Engineering company is a good direction, we support you», — Rustam Minnikhanov addressed to the head of the project «Plentmak.»
LLC «Mushroom Company» Mushrooms of Tatarstan «plans to launch the production of mushroom with capacity of 5600 tons per year.
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The investment project of the company «IGS Agro» involves the creation of a production of compost and mushroom cultivation. Planned volumes of mushrooms growing amount are 3600 tons per year. The number of employees will be about 165 people.
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«The Russian market is huge, plenty of room for both companies. It is important that your projects have been elaborated, including from a financial point of view,» — said the president of Tatarstan, referring to the authors of both projects.
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Also at the meeting of the Supervisory Board has been considered amendments to the agreement on industrial-production activity of JSC «INTERSKOL» to add small-scale mechanization in the list of products. This will allow «INTERSKOL-Alabuga» factory to produce welding machines, compressors. Increased investment in the project is 500 million rubles. It is planned to increase the number of jobs by 200 people.
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«We are very pleased that our resident decided to expand production,» — Minnikhanov said.
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Thus, the total number of residents in the special economic zone «Alabuga» has increased to 49. The total amount of declared investments of all the projects now stands at 154.9 billion rubles.

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