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Vladimir Putin has delegated to maximize the «Professionality» project, which is being implemented at Alabuga Polytechnic


In the next five years Russia is required to train one million experts in key-note economy focal. This was announced today by Russian President Vladimir Putin during his address to the Federal Assembly.

«I believe that we should expand significantly the «Professionality» project within the scope of which educational and production clusters are created, training bases are updated, and enterprises-employers in close contact with colleges and technical schools form educational programs based on the needs of the economy» Vladimir Vladimirovich said. – it is very important that tutors with experience in real, complex production come to this sphere.

«The task is specified: in the next 5 years to train about one million specialists of trade job for the technology industry, robot technology, engineering, smelting industry, pharmacy, agriculture, construction operations, transport and other industries – key for the security, sovereignty and competitiveness of Russia», said the President in his message.

It should be noted that today the educational program «Professionality» is being realized in Alabuga Polytechnic based on dual educational system. Student get a chance to be employed from their first year. The lectures are real engineers. This makes it possible to become a high qualified specialist.

Occupations in the Professionality Program

-        Industrial Robotics Technician

-        Automated control systems technician

-        Electrical Technician

To remind, in early February, Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov in his report to the President of Russia mentioned Alabuga Polytechnic center, calling it a prime example in the work on adapting the system of personnel training to the needs of production. «At the Alabuga Polytechnic training center, students are taught by real engineers from the plants of the Special Economic Zone Alabuga» noted the leader of the Republic Tatarstan. – Given the positive experience of Alabuga Polytechnic, we also sent this practice to the agency for scaling up».

Today Alabuga Polytechnic is Russia’s largest educational center for skill formation with the capacity of 10,000 people a year. College students of «Alabuga Polytechnic» study in the most demanded directions on modern hi-tech equipment KUKA, SIEMENS.

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