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The Supervisory Board of the SEZ "Alabuga" approved projects for 7.8 billion rubles

Today, November 11, the Supervisory Board of the special economic zone "Alabuga" chaired by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov approved two new investment projects with a total volume of private investments of over 7.6 billion rubles.

LLC "Aurus". The project for the production of Russian premium cars was presented by the managing director of the Tavazun fund, Mr. Al Jaabari, acting as a strategic investment partner, and the general director of Aurus LLC, Adil Shirinov.

“We started this project not only as investors, but also hope that in the long term we will become a part of something bigger. We believe that the infrastructure that has already been created in Alabuga and the team working on the project will allow Alabuga to become the center of the automotive industry in the future," said Mr. Al Jaabari.

The assembly of cars will be carried out at the finished production facilities of the 'Synergy 2' industrial park. The total volume of private investment in the project in Alabuga will amount to 6.6 billion rubles. The total investment of the Arab Tawazun Fund in the project is 110 million euros.

“The Aurus project is very important for the Russian Federation and is personally controlled by the President of the Russian Federation. For Tatarstan, this is the first project attracting investments from the United Arab Emirates. It is especially pleasant that these investments are aimed at creating production in the special economic zone "Alabuga" - noted Rustam Minnikhanov.

The implementation of the Aurus project in Tatarstan became possible thanks to the interaction of NAMI, SEZ Alabuga, Sollers Ford and AURUS, SEZ Alabuga not only provides ready-made production areas in the Synergy 2 industrial park, but also creates additional infrastructure.

Continent Manufacturing Solutions LLC. Project for the production of refrigerators with a volume of 350 thousand units per year. The initiator of the project is the largest Chinese manufacturer of household appliances Midea and their Russian partner LLC Continent Manufacturing Solutions.

The total investment will amount to 1 billion rubles, 276 jobs will be created. The company will place its production facilities in the Synergy 2 industrial park on an area of ​​24,364 m2.

According to Midea Vice President Zel Jiang, the Russian market is important for Midea Group. "Localization in the SEZ" Alabuga "is important for us in the long term, so we hope for the successful implementation of the project in the SEZ" Alabuga ", - said Mr. Zel.

Within the framework of the meeting of the Supervisory Board, a tripartite memorandum of cooperation was also signed between SEZ PPT Alabuga JSC, Continent Production Solutions LLC and Midea Electric Trading LTD, which involves the creation of a component base and microelectronics production facility in the Alabuga SEZ for the production of household appliances ...

“We have accumulated extensive experience of interaction with Chinese partners, and I hope that the new resident of the SEZ Alabuga will join this list. We pin great hopes on you, but the next steps are needed for the development of microelectronics”- the President of the Republic of Tatarstan noted.

The Supervisory Board also approved the expansion of the project of the current resident - ST- Alabuga LLC. The company already successfully operates in the SEZ "Alabuga" and produces buses, special equipment and freight transport. As part of the expansion, it is planned to produce filling panels for isothermal vans with a volume of 4.5 thousand units of equipment per year. LLC "ST-Alabuga" will place its new production on the finished areas of the SEZ in the industrial park "Synergy 2". The total investment in the new production will amount to 247 million rubles, 144 jobs will be created.

It should be noted that, following the results of the Supervisory Board, the industrial park "Synergy 2" with a total area of ​​more than 76 thousand m2, commissioned in June 2020, was fully commissioned. Aconit-Ural is already operating on the territory of the park (a project for the production of conveyor rollers in the amount of 720 thousand pieces per year; the volume of investments is 657.46 million rubles) and an updated STEM center will be located.

“Of course, ready-made class A production facilities such as the Synergy Industrial Park are in great demand. That is why we have already started the construction of additional buildings,” said Timur Shagivaleev, CEO of the SEZ“ Alabuga ”.


For reference:

Today SEZ "Alabuga" is the most efficient and largest special economic zone in Russia. There are 33 production facilities in the SEZ. The volume of actually invested private investments is 140.5 billion rubles, the volume of revenue of residents in 2019 exceeded 82 billion rubles.

SEZ "Alabuga" continues to implement a number of important projects for the expansion and development of infrastructure. In June 2020, a unique industrial park "Synergy 2" was commissioned, consisting of two buildings with a total area of ​​76 thousand square meters. To date, all areas of FE "Synergy 2" have been leased to investors. 

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