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Education of the future today - the solemn discovery of "Alabuga Polytech"


On April 5, a solemn opening ceremony of the educational center "Alabuga Polytech" took place with the participation of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, First Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Dmitry Glushko, Director General of the "WORLDSKILLS Russia" Robert Urazov, Director of the Department Economic Development and Finance of the Government of the Russian Federation Vasily Toloko.

Today, many parents think where to send their children to learn. Where children will not just spend their valuable time, but will receive knowledge and qualifications that will allow you to get highly paid work for many years ahead.

"Alabuga Polytech" is an engineering college created by the SEZ "Alabuga" for the preparation of modern WORLDSKILLS standards in order to meet the needs of resident enterprises of Alabuga in qualified personnel. The educational center is equipped with high-tech laboratories on industrial robotics and mechatronics, industrial automation, electrical installation, laboratory stands and mechatronic stations from Festo, training robotic KUKA cells, high-voltage polygon, laboratories with automated equipment for chemical laboratory analysis.

During the visit to the new educational center, Rustam Minnikhanov highly appreciated the activities of "Alabuga Polytech" and noted the importance of the project for the development of personnel potential of the Republic of Tatarstan: "The Opening of the "Alabuga Polytech" is an example of a successful partnership of the employer and educational institution as part of targeted training of workers on medium-sized programs vocational education. It is important that training programs go to the leg over time and were in demand in the real sector of the economy. "

The General Director of the SEZ "Alabuga" Timur Shagivaleev spoke about the prospects for the further development of the educational center, emphasizing the main task of the "Alabuga Polytech" - the preparation of qualified specialized personnel, in demand from employers - the main engineers of new industries, heads of workshops with high-tech equipment, specialists. Timur Shagivaleev also reminded that today the residents receive real requests for specialists to work on the latest industrial equipment. Frames are in demand with profile education and work experience for 2 years. Additional requirements are the experience of working on the most modern equipment and certification from the company - equipment manufacturer.

Also, in the framework of the opening ceremony of the Educational Center "Alabuga Polytech", the agreements between the SEZ "Alabuga" and key producers of industrial equipment KUKA, Schneider Electric, Festo Didactic. The parties agreed on cooperation in the field of preparation and certification of teachers and students "Alabuga Polytech" on programs: robotics (including maintenance and repair of robotic complexes and systems); mechatronics; production automation; programming.

The educational center "Alabuga Polytech" is the education of the future today. Because employers make it possible from the first year to be in real industries. Because the internship from the first year is paid a worthy scholarship. Because training is on the equipment of world leaders and the manufacturer's certificate is issued at the end. Because teachers are engineers of leading companies. Because housing and mentoring is provided.


At the moment, 200 students are studying in the "Alabuga Polytech". For four years, students under the guidance of existing engineers of residents of residents of the SEZ "Alabuga" are studying on modern industrial equipment and gain knowledge and skills in demand from employers. At the end of the training graduate "Alabuga Polytech" - a professional with the developed Soft and Hard Skills, certified by an international equipment manufacturer, having 2 years of continuous work experience in the specialty and guarantee of employment at the SEZ enterprises.

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