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"August Alabuga" has received state support from the Industrial Development Fund


Resident of the special economic zone "Alabuga" - "August Alabuga" received a loan within the flagship program "Development Project", implemented by the Industrial Development Fund. The loan amount is more than 400 million rubles and it will be directed to the establishment and organization of a plant for the production of chemical plant protection products. The loan is granted for a period of not more than 5 years. The planned volume of production is 30 million liters of products per year. The project will meet the needs of the local agro-industrial complex and reduce the share of imports almost twofold - from 60% to 33%.

To receive the loan, the resident of the SEZ "Alabuga" - "August Alabuga" passed five examinations: financial and economic, legal, industrial and technological, scientific and technical, as well as examination for compliance with the program parameters, quality and adequacy of loan security.

Construction of the plant began in the spring of 2017. Today the main production buildings have been built, the thermal circuit has been closed. The company continues to recruit employees. The launch of production is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2018.

"August" - the largest Russian company for the production and sale of chemical plant protection products. Currently, approximately 70% of the company's sales are in the Russian market, 28% in the markets of the near abroad and about 2% in the far abroad.

The Industrial Development Fund is based on the modernization of Russian industry, the organization of new industries and the provision of import substitution. The fund was established in 2014 on the initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation through the transformation of the Russian Fund for Technological Development.

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