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SEZ "Alabuga" will build facilities for the Haier plant in Russia

SEZ "Alabuga" signed a contract for the implementation of technical customer services with the world's largest manufacturer of household appliances Haier.

The technical customer will carry out a project for the capital construction of a finished goods warehouse with a customs control zone with a total area of ​​60,000 m2.

The project includes: a warehouse for finished products, an administrative building, checkpoint buildings, as well as parking for cars and trucks, landscaping and recreation areas for employees. The facility will be located on the territory of the Hyer Industry RUS industrial park in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny.

Construction work began in July 2020. The launch of the operational activities of a finished goods warehouse with a customs control zone is planned in June 2021.

The choice of a technical customer for the construction of the facility in favor of the SEZ "Alabuga" was made by Haier through a tender, given the large volume and tight deadlines. The competition was attended by several world companies providing this kind of services.

Comprehensive project management and the presence of a team of specialists certified according to an international standard makes it possible to optimize construction processes, avoiding deviations from the required quality standards and terms. This allowed Alabuga to obtain a contract from a foreign customer.

“Alabuga has shown compliance with most of the selection criteria, we consider the company as a reliable partner”,- said Van Shouzhong, Deputy General Director of Hier Industry RUS LLC.

The main strategic goal of the Chinese company Haier is to build a production base in Russia, where it is possible to conduct research, development, production and sale of high quality goods for Russian and European consumers at an economically favorable price.

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